About Ngoc Son-Ngo Luong

How is the nature reserve?


The NSNL NR is located in Tan Lac & Lac Son districts of Hoa Binh province.  The Nature Reserve covers a land area of approximately 19,254ha and forms the central portion of the greater Pu Luong - Cuc Phuong landscape.  It was established with Decision No. 2714/QDUBND of the PPC of Hoa Binh province in 2004.  The Decision became effective in January 2006.
Mostly forest on limestone dominates the ecosystem of NSNL NR.  This forest represents a significant remnant of the northern limestone forests of Vietnam, a globally important karst biome.  Parts of the nature reserve have a high degree of biodiversity and high rates of endemism.  The NSNL NR contains a range of species listed as globally rare and several are protected under Vietnamese law.  Comprehensive background information on the forest types, the vertebrate fauna, the land and forest use and the natural water resources in NSNL NR are provided by several surveys prepared with the support of Ngoc Son Ngo Luong Project funded by the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development (AECID) and implemented through Fundación Promoción Social de la Cultura (FPSC) and Forest Protection Department of Hoa Binh.
The NSNL NR is made up of approximately 78 percent forestland, 15 percent agricultural land and seven percent unused lands.  It includes several different land use systems, which include paddy rice cultivation, crop cultivation, animal husbandry, establishment of forest plantations, management of communal natural forests, and gardening.  Agriculture is the main production sector in the Nature Reserve. 
The NSNL NR includes a total of seven communes (Nam Son, Bac Son, Ngo Luong, Ngoc Son, Ngoc Lau, Tu Do and Tan My) with total population of approximately 14,000 people in 2,578 households. 
Hoa Binh province combines six ethnic minorities with their own languages, traditional literature, and festivals.  It is one of the few provinces in Vietnam where one ethnic minority (Muong people) are the majority of the provincial population with over 63 percent of the population in the province.  Nearly all (90% plus) people living in the NSNL NR belong to the Muong ethnic group.
Enjoy your visit to Ngoc Son Ngo Luong Nature Reserve and please remember:
Leave nothing but footprints
Take nothing but photographs
Kill nothing but your time

Information about the reserve

Muong villages planes

Information about trekking routes in the reserve

Information about one of the trekking routes in the reserve at Mu village

Information about one of the trekking routes in the reserve at Ri village

Information about ethnic and culture Muong